
Thank you for registering our registry. Your registering it has been registered.

Spoilers: we don’t have one. We don’t need any more stuff.

However, we’d love it if you could share a recipe that’s special to you.

This is entirely optional; don’t feel obligated to bring anything at all! Since virtually everyone has to come a long way to get here, your presence is also its own gift.

If you want to contribute anyway, we’ll take everything from ancestral family traditions to the quick, cheap stuff that kept you going while you were a broke college student. It could be the cookies you used to bake with your mom, your go-to weeknight dinner, something fancy you trot out for company, a neat use for that one ingredient you never know what to do with, or just something you really like. As long as it means something to you, that’s what matters.

Whether you hand-write or type it, make sure it’s on a piece of printer or notebook paper so all the sizes stay more or less consistent. We’d also love it if you could include a couple sentences about why it’s important to you, and definitely make sure you sign your name so we know who it came from!

We’ll have a binder at the venue full of sheet protectors, so you can just slot it on in and forget about it. We’ll also make sure to have some pens and paper if you still want in, but can’t or don’t want to carry a loose piece of paper with you when you travel.

We’ll think of you every time we make it!